This online event is being organised by the EDMO Working Group on Media Literacy Standards and Best Practices. The aim of this group is to create a set of standards and best practices that can be used by the European Media Literacy community to help evaluate the effectiveness of the many different media literacy interventions taking place across the continent. This conference provides an opportunity to discuss the work carried out so far on creating a draft set of Standards and Best Practices and to gather input from the wider Media Literacy community.
The European Media Literacy community is increasingly focused on evaluating media literacy interventions and promoting best practices due to the growing number of stakeholders supporting media literacy initiatives across diverse target groups. However, policymakers, practitioners and researchers often grapple with the question of assessing the quality of such interventions in different settings.
During this online conference, participants will share their ideas about the characteristics of effective interventions and how best to judge whether a project or initiative is successful or not. As well as debating what constitutes ‘Best Practice’, it also provides an opportunity to come together to discuss the short, and longer-term, assessment of media literacy interventions.
Registrations for this event are now closed.
Friday 15 December 2023 / 13:30 – 16:30 CET
Welcome & Introduction
Join Sally Reynolds, Media and Learning Association/EDMOeu as she gives a short introduction to the EDMO Working Group on Media Literacy Standards and Best Practices and presents the plan for today’s event.
Are Standards and Best Practices in Media Literacy necessary?
We will get started by having a discussion on the current state of play of Media Literacy in Europe when it comes to standards and best practices.
- Igor Kanižaj, University of Zagreb/DKMK /Member of EDMO Advisory Council
- Sonia Livingstone, LSE, London/Member of EDMO Advisory Council
- Maja Cappello, European Audiovisual Observatory/Member of EDMO Advisory Council
Let’s take a look beyond Europe…..
We have asked 2 seasoned Media Literacy network managers to present their take on ensuring high quality and sharing best practices in other places.
- Yonty Friesem, Executive Director, Media Education Lab, USA The Media Production Hive – a framework to both practice and evaluate media literacy skills in kids and adolescents
- Matthew Johnson, Director of Education, MediaSmarts, Canada Ensuring high standards in Media Literacy in Canada
- Megan Fromm, Education Manager, NAMLE, USA NAMLE, The Core Principles of Media Literacy Education
A pause to relax, re-group and reflect – or just to grab a cup of coffee, we’ll keep the session open for anyone who wants to chat….
Review of the current Working Group approach
Presentation of the draft set of standards created by the EDMO Working Group
- Emma Goodman, EUI/LSE, London/EDMOeu
Break-out sessions – time for discussion
During this period we will meet in small groups to discuss the draft set of guidelines on standards and best practices. We welcome your input on how they can be improved as well as on how to identify best practices in media literacy and suitable approaches to assessment and evaluation.
Reporting and general discussion
Reports back from break-out session followed by a general discussion about future directions and important considerations.
Wrap up & Closing words
A short wrap-up and reminder of the timeplan for the working group in 2024.
Members of the EDMO Working Group on Media Literacy Standards and Best Practices
- Maja Cappello, European Audiovisual Observatory/Member of EDMO Advisory Council
- Eileen Culloty, FuJo, Dublin City University/Ireland EDMO Hub
- Emma Goodman, EUI/LSE, London/EDMOeu
- Paula Gori, EUI/EDMOeu
- Igor Kanizaj, University of Zagreb/DKMK /Member of EDMO Advisory Council
- Maia Klaassen, University of Tartu, Estonia/BECID Hub
- Sonia Livingstone, LSE, London/Member of EDMO Advisory Council
- Chloé Pété, Media and Learning Association/EDMOeu
- Sally Reynolds, Media and Learning Association/EDMOeu
- Andy Stoycheff, NTCenter, Bulgaria/BROD Hub
- Vitor Tomé, Autonomous University of Lisbon/IBERIFIER Hub

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.