Hellenic Film and Audiovisual Center S.A.-Creative Greece

Creative Hub GR is the new Hub for Innovation and Technology of the Creative and Audiovisual Sector by the Hellenic Centre for Film, Audiovisual Media and Creation – Creative Greece. The operational objective of the Hub is the development, strengthening, promotion and protection of the audiovisual, cultural and creative sector of Greece and its creators with emphasis on new technologies, innovation and education.
The Audiovisual, Media Literacy and Social Action Department of the Hub develops and manages audiovisual education, creative literacy and media literacy programs in both formal and non-formal education for the development of a critical and informed Media and Information Literacy citizenry. To this end, it organizes a range of actions for schools and lifelong learning: school workshops, student competitions, production of Open Educational Resources, design of audiovisual, film and digital literacy programs, etc. In the same context, it is the national delegate to the EU on media literacy and cooperates with national and global key stakeholders such as UNESCO, the UN, the Council of Europe and OSCE for a strong global media policy agenda. The Department has been coordinating the Euro-Mediterranean Chapter of UNESCO Media and Information Literacy Alliance since 2018, with 55 members-institutions from 11 Mediterranean countries. Currently, the Department is working on the Blueprint on Media and Creative Literacy in Education.