10/2023 to 10/2025

Promoting Media Literacy and Youth Citizen Journalism through Mobile Stories

Bringing together 7 partners across 6 EU countries, the ProMs project aims to contribute to the enhancement of media literacy skills in Europe and beyond through the scale-up of an innovative pedagogical tool that empowers young people to become responsible and informed producers, consumers and distributors of digital media. Successfully rolled out to more than 10,000 Swedish students over the last five years, Mobile Stories is an interdisciplinary teaching tool with proven impact in a diverse range of educational settings. Developed by journalists with a passion for education, Mobile Stories equips young people to become responsible and informed citizen journalists by arming them with a critical understanding of digital media, a commitment to journalistic ethics and objective truth-seeking and an array of transferable skills that prepare them both for the job market and for active and engaged citizenship.


Over 24 months ProMS will pave the way for a significant expansion of the Mobile Stories user community through the creation of an English language version that will be piloted in three EU countries and, through the iterative incorporation of user feedback, tailored for use in diverse cultural, socio-economic settings where students have intermediate (B2) English ability and above (SO1). It will promote cross-border media literacy by designing and piloting within the Mobile Stories tool mechanisms for enabling journalistic collaboration between schools in different countries in Europe (SO2). It will contribute to the evidence base on best practice in school-based media literacy by generating data on user skills and knowledge gain and sharing the learnings with research and practitioner communities (SO3). Finally, it will increase access to the Mobile Stories tool by students and teachers across Europe and beyond through a multi-channel dissemination strategy (SO4).


Voice4You (Sweden); Tritonite AB (Sweden); News Decoder (France); Media & Learning Association (Belgium); Ă…bo Akademi (Finland); Committee of Dublin West Education Centre (Ireland); Asociatia Apulum Forum (Romania).

Information sessions:

  • Wednesday 22 May 2024, 14:00-15:30 CET
  • UPCOMING Wednesday 25 September 2024, 14:00-15:30 CET

Online workshops:

More information soon.

In-person event, Bruxelles, Belgium (TBA)

Recordings available to watch on Mobile Stories Channel!

This Project has received funding from the European Union under a grant agreement: CREA-CROSS-2023- MEDIALITERACY-Project 101136134.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.