Content Curation and Aggregators for Storing, Organising, and Sharing

This segment of the video series from Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche explores effective strategies for curating high-quality digital educational content, accompanied by recommendations for useful online tools. It is taken from a module on Content Curation and Aggregators for Storing, Organising, and Sharing which is aligned with the competencies of “Protection, Management, and Sharing of Digital Content” within the DigCompEdu framework.

After providing a clear definition of content curation, the module describes essential elements to consider when developing educational materials. Key factors include identifying learning objectives, sourcing relevant information, evaluating the quality and reliability of resources, and more. The module also introduces several online platforms to assist with the content curation process, from information discovery to organisation and storage. Tools such as Diigo, Symbaloo-Edu, and are highlighted for their ability to simplify these tasks.

The material stresses that the content curation process must always be closely aligned with specific learning goals, taking into account the diverse needs of students. Additionally, it emphasises the importance of ongoing updates to ensure that the content remains current and of high quality.

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Learning activityAcquisition
FormatVideo (non-interactive)
Original titleCuración de contenidos y agregadores para almacenar, organizar y compartir
Original description

Aprende más sobre cómo llevar a cabo de modo eficiente el proceso de búsqueda, selección, almacenamiento y compartición de contenidos educativos digita

LicenceCC BY-ND
InstitutionUniversidad Miguel Hernández de Elche