Digital Empowerment MOOC for academic teaching staff

The Digital Empowerment MOOC is a free, self-paced online course with 8 modules and a self-assessment, designed to equip educators with the skills to navigate digital education, employ emerging technologies, and create inclusive learning experiences. It provides practical tools, real-world examples, and exercises to support academic teaching staff to integrate digital learning into teaching practices. By completing the course, educators will gain skills in creating engaging eLearning content, adapting digital courses to enhance inclusivity, and critically evaluating ICT tools to foster inclusive digital learning cultures.

This MOOC  was created by partners in the  SLIDE project, an Erasmus+ initiative focused on digitally empowering higher education educators and promoting inclusion through service-learning pedagogy. For more info about the project:

Furthermore, SLIDE and this MOOC were  presented at the Media and Learning Conference 2024, this presentation provides more information about the project and its goals;

Learning activityAcquisition
Original titleDigital empowerment and digital learning experience design for higher education teachers
LicenceCC BY-SA
InstitutionUniversity Centre Sint-Ignatius Antwerp