Enhance your course with multimedia – a decision making support tool

Discover different media types to tell your story.
This table is designed to make more effective use of media. This overview is a collaboration between TU Delft Teaching and Learning Services (TLS) and the NewMedia Centre (NMC). There are two main purposes to this sheet:
To inspire course creators, teachers and education staff with different examples of media. The different examples can be filtered on media type (e.g. video, text, animation etc.) or course part (introduction, content etc.). To clarify the examples you can look at the possible purpose for your story and look for a suitable media type.
To give an estimation on the required effort. Based on previous experiences, an estimation is made on the effort to create a certain product yourself (DIY) or to start a project at the NewMedia Centre (Project size NMC). You can use this estimation to make more informed decisions on the required effort.
The tool uses a filter to help selecting the right application for the learning and teaching challenge. Every solution proposed is illustrated with at least one concrete eudcational media example.

Learning activityAcquisition
TypeGuidelines and recommendations
FormatWebsite or web page
LicenceCC BY-SA
InstitutionDelft University of Technology