FAU Good practice – Flipped Classroom in Medicine

This video (7 min 38 sec) is part of the FAU Good practice series in which lecturers present innovative course concepts and their implementation. Dr Piet van der Keylen from the Institute of General Medicine at Erlangen University Hospital uses the flipped classroom concept in his elective subject “Smart decisions in everyday clinical practice”. Students learn with a learning module in which the material is presented in writing and in learning videos. The learning videos are re-recorded every two semesters to keep them up to date. Exercises are also provided, which are completed either independently or in small groups with the help of student tutors.

The format is very popular with students. Students particularly like being able to work on the material digitally at a time of their choosing and at any time. The contact with the tutors is also positively emphasised. However, compared to a traditional lecture, the teaching format sometimes requires more time from the students.

Table of contents:
What aspects have you implemented digitally?
How did you support the students?
How was the proof of achievement provided?
How was the format received by the students?
What conclusions do you draw?

German spoken, subtitles in English available.

Duration: 7 min 38 sec

Learning activityAcquisition
TypeGuidelines and recommendations
FormatVideo (non-interactive)
Original titleFAU Digitale Lehre - Good Practice: Gesprächskompetenzen in der Medizin
Original description

Dr. Piet van der Keylen vom Allgemeinmedizinischem Institut am Universitätsklinikum Erlangen wendet in seinem Wahlfach „Kluge Entscheidungen im klinischen Alltag“ das Flipped Classroom Konzept an. Die Studierenden lernen mit einem Lernmodul, in dem der Stoff schriftlich und in Lernvideos dargestellt ist. Die Lernvideos werden alle zwei Semester neu eingesprochen, um aktuell zu bleiben. Außerdem werden Übungen bereitgestellt, die entweder in Eigenverantwortung oder in Kleingruppen mit studentischer Tutorenhilfe gelöst werden. Das Format kommt bei den Lernenden sehr gut an. Den Studierenden gefällt besonders, den Stoff zu einem selbst gewählten Zeitpunkt und jederzeit digital bearbeiten zu können. Auch der Kontakt zu den Tutorinnen wird positiv hervorgehoben. Das Lehrformat bedeutet für die Studierenden allerdings, verglichen mit einer klassischen Vorlesung, teilweise einen zeitlichen Mehraufwand.

LicenceCC BY
InstitutionInnovation in Learning Institute, FAU

This resource has been collected as part of the TransACTION! project.