Five dimensions of quality in educational videos

The overarching concept of quality in the context of educational videos is challenging. The authors of this short (5 minute read) resource article (by Michiel van Oosterzee and Kiara Billiau, The Open University of the Netherlands) have developed a framework of five dimensions of quality, with the aim of facilitating discussion on this topic and providing a tool for checking and improving the quality of videos in use or in development. The article delineates five distinct dimensions of quality: audiovisual, content, speaker, cognitive and educational.  The article goes on to address the issue of the relative importance of each of these qualities and describes an approach whereby the importance of each varies depending on the level of experience of the viewer. This resource article provides valuable insights when discussing that is meant by the term ‘quality’ when discussing educational videos.


Learning activityPractice
FormatWebsite or web page
LicenceAll Rights Reserved
InstitutionOpen Universiteit, The Netherlands