This document in the Dutch language is titled Handboek Video voor leren & presteren 2.0, authored by Serge de Beer. It is 34 pages long and provides a comprehensive guide to creating instructional videos. The handbook combines practical experience with theoretical insights and emphasizes the importance of preparation, structure, and audience focus. This is an updated version of its first edition that appeared a few years ago, incorporating an important addition on Artificial Intelligence and its use for producing educational media. Serge de Beer shares his decades of experience, tracing the history of instructional videos back to the late 19th century and discussing modern developments like YouTube and artificial intelligence in video production. The book details a seven-step process for producing effective instructional videos: defining objectives and audience, conducting research, scripting, filming, editing, publishing, and evaluating.
This free publication highlights various video styles, including first-person views and screencasts, and emphasizes the importance of clear visuals, sound quality, and consistency in framing and lighting. De Beer integrates AI tools for scriptwriting, voice generation, and video editing, advocating their growing role in streamlining production processes. The text underscores the value of videos as a learning tool when paired with active evaluation and application. It includes practical checklists for every production stage to ensure professionalism and effectiveness.