Interactive videos. Educational Tools

In this video, the focus is on the power and versatility of interactive videos in educational settings, emphasizing how they can significantly enhance student engagement and participation. It highlights the evolution from passive video watching to an active learning experience where students interact with the content through various means like quizzes, clickable hotspots, and even “choose your own adventure” type activities. The video introduces several web-based tools, notably Edpuzzle, which is praised for its ease of use in creating interactive lessons by embedding questions, audios, and notes into videos. This approach not only makes learning more dynamic but also provides educators with valuable analytics on student performance and engagement. By the end, the video stresses the importance of these innovative tools in maintaining student interest and offering creative possibilities in lesson design, especially designed for the modern educational landscape.
The video unveils the transformative potential of interactive videos in education, showcasing how they can turn passive watching into an engaging, active learning journey with tools like Edpuzzle, elevating both teaching and learning experiences. Lecturer is Sara Blanc Clavero and Jose V. Benlloch-Dualde is co-author.

English spoken.
Subtitles available in: English, Portuguese, Slovenian, Catalan, German, Italian, Spanish, Galician, French

Duration: 4 min 8 sec

Learning activityAcquisition
TypeGuidelines and recommendations
FormatVideo (non-interactive)
LicenceCC BY-NC-ND
InstitutionUniversitat Politècnica de València