Pedagogic Video Design Principles

This paper proposes how to structure the video learning experience so as to accomplish serious cognitive objectives, enabling viewers to learn concepts, principles, problem-solving strategies – helping them to achieve a penetrating understanding of the subject. The document by Jack Koumi outlines a structured approach to creating educational videos that effectively facilitate cognitive learning. It proposes 33 design principles organized into eight categories, each aimed at enhancing different aspects of the video learning experience.

The key categories include:
1. Hook: Techniques to capture and maintain the viewer’s attention, such as using surprises or building suspense.
2. Signpost: Setting the scene and guiding the viewer on what to expect next, helping to structure the narrative.
3. Stimulate Cognitive Engagement: Encouraging active learning by posing questions, promoting predictions, and ensuring relevance to the learner’s life.
4. Enable Constructive Learning: Avoiding redundancy between spoken words and visuals, using analogies, and allowing students to construct knowledge actively.
5. Sensitize: Building confidence, personalizing the teacher, and using music strategically.
6. Elucidate: Enhancing clarity by varying tempo, ensuring legibility, and moderating the depth of content.
7. Reinforce: Using repetition, re-exemplification, and synergizing words with images to reinforce learning.
8. Consolidate: Summarizing key features and integrating related materials to solidify learning.

The document also emphasizes the importance of considering the narrative structure, visual clarity, and auditory quality to prevent cognitive overload and maintain student engagement. Practical examples are provided throughout, illustrating how these principles can be applied in various educational contexts to achieve effective learning outcomes. The pedagogic narrative framework, consisting of 32 design principles in 8 categories, is illustrated using screenshots and storyboards of educational videos. These videos are a subset of the 39 video clips used in Lesson 2 (How to Teach with Video) of the four-lesson MOOC run in 2017 on the EMMA platform; this was a precursor of the course, Achieving the Pedagogic Potential of Video, run in 2019-2021, followed by the course, Scriptwriting for Effective Instructional Video, run in 2022 onwards, for the University of the Philippines Open University.

TypeGuidelines and recommendations
LicenceCC BY-SA