Potent Pedagogic Roles for Video – Serving Learning Objectives

Summarising a key segment of a course run at the Philippines Open University, the paper proposes 34 pedagogically effective Roles for video – techniques and teaching functions for which the video medium is distinctively capable – in four domains: Cognition, Experiences, Affect, and Skills.

The Cognitive, Affective and Skills Learning Objectives are served by the Roles in the corresponding three domains, and these Roles are enabled by the video-distinctive techniques in the Cognition and Experiences domains. The latter provides virtual experiences that are nevertheless realistic. The learning that is anticipated from each Role derives largely through expert teachers’ opinions rather than from empirical research. However, many studies have established that video can achieve such anticipated learning to a large extent. Some flaws in these studies are discussed. Finally, the anticipated learning objectives are characterised in terms of the Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

TypeGuidelines and recommendations
LicenceCC BY-SA