Service-Learning & Digital Empowerment Manifesto

The document titled “The Service Learning Digital Empowerment Manifesto” outlines principles and guidelines for integrating digital tools into service learning. It emphasizes the importance of leveraging technology to enhance the effectiveness of service learning experiences.This manifesto is addressed to all higher education teachers and staff, students and community organizations involved in community socially involved education and learning. Key points include the promotion of digital literacy, the use of digital platforms for collaboration and reflection, and the development of digital competencies among students. The manifesto advocates for creating accessible and inclusive digital environments that support meaningful community engagement and learning outcomes. It serves as a framework for educators and institutions to better integrate digital practices into their service learning programs. Its statements challenge the current teaching and learning approaches, and it entices readers to think about a new paradigm where online and offline components go hand in hand. Four stakeholder groups and four content categories make up the SL&DE Manifesto, providing an overview of the the potential and value of the interlinkage between community engaged learning and digitalization. It also addresses the current state of institutionalization and provides actionable conditions for success, ultimately covering the what, why and how of Service-Learning & Digital Empowerment.
This 16-page Manifesto is available in 8 different languages on the website of the project website.

TypeGuidelines and recommendations
LicenceCC BY-NC-SA
InstitutionUniversity Centre Saint Ignatius Antwerp (UCSIA)