A Digital Development MOOC for students (Slide-Erasmus)

The European Project Slide-Erasmus provides information aimed at enhancing higher education through innovative teaching methods and resources. Specifically, it focuses on integrating digital tools and e-learning platforms into university curricula to improve the quality and accessibility of education. The project promotes collaboration among institutions to develop and share digital content and best practices. The site includes resources for educators, information about project objectives, and updates on progress and outcomes. It highlights efforts to modernize educational approaches and support academic institutions in adopting new technologies. The e-course ‘Digital Development’ specifically helps higher education students to acquire skills and knowledge to fully participate in digital education, and to make connections with local communities and sensitise them towards digital inclusion and digital empowerment of underprivileged and underrepresented community members.
The MOOC consists of 8 seperate modules:
– Module 1: Critical use of digital content
– Module 2: Digital communication, collaboration and participation
– Module 3: Digital identity and wellbeing
– Module 4: Creative production of digital content, problem solving and innovation
– Module 5: Digital learning and development
– Module 6: Digital intelligence
– Module 7: Digital engagement
– Module 8: Digital inclusion and service-learning
The MOOC is available for free. Teachers can register themselves and their students to get access via the SLIDE project website.

The overall workload is estimated to be around 6 hours.

Learning activityAcquisition
LicenceCC BY-NC-SA
InstitutionUniversity Centre Saint-Ignatius Antwerp
Contact e-mailslide@ucsia.be