Call for inputs to publication on University and critical thinking: training in communication

The Quaderns del CAC is a scientific journal on communication published by the Catalan Audiovisual Council. With open access, it is published annually entirely in three languages: Catalan, Spanish and English. You can access previous issues of Quaderns del CAC here.

The CAC research department have just issued a Call for papers for the Quaderns del CAC, no. 49, October 2023 with the monographic theme “University and critical thinking: training in communication”. The Deadline for the Papers Submission is May 29, 2023. In here there is all the info re. the topics covered in the monographic and paper submission guidelines.  

In addition to the monographic theme, the journal also has a miscellaneous section “Articles”, where you can participate with ongoing research texts on communication and audiovisual culture. The call for papers for this section remains permanently open. Contact if you are interested.