The YouNDigital newsroom, developed as part of the YouNDigital – Youth, News, and Digital Citizenship project, is based at Lusófona University/CICANT (Portugal). This collaborative initiative invites young people from around the world to produce content on topics that interest them, intersecting with the 2030 Agenda (such as education, gender, reducing inequalities, climate action, and particularly human rights, extremism, and misinformation).
The YouNDigital newsroom is a platform where young people are invited to produce interesting and relevant news for themselves and their peers. It wants to facilitate the expression and dialogue of broad points of view. Contributions are accepted in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French and Italian. The YouNDigital newsroom aims to promote participatory action by young people, committed to an active and critical attitude. The news pieces can use sounds, videos, other images, hyperlinks and text and must comply with the editorial statute. Publications can be produced spontaneously (the newsroom is open to the creativity and ideas of young people, who are the driving force behind this platform) or in response to Thematic Challenges. Thematic Challenges are launched frequently in the YouNDigital Newsroom to engage young people and promote critical reflection. What do you say? Are you in?
In particular, this time, we want to invite you to think about what decolonisation means today. This initiative is part of a Thematic Challenge developed by two research projects: YouNDigital – ‘Youth, News and Digital Citizenship’ and MigraMediaActs – ‘Migrations, media and activism in Portuguese: decolonising media landscapes and imagining alternative futures’. However, you are invited to explore other thematic challenges here.
But first, how to take part?
★ Register in the newsroom (it’s free!)
★ Read the editorial statute
★ Let your imagination run free, in response to the thematic challenge “What does decolonisation mean today?” (or others, about literacy, mental health or diversity, for example)!
★ Share with others and join the YouNDigital reader community
Ready? Let’s go!
The YouNDigital project has released a public online database focused on youth, news and digital citizenship that comprises literature from the beginning of the 21st century. Our database is always open to contributions through this form. Would you like to contribute?
YouNDigital – Youth, News, and Digital Citizenship (DOI 10.54499/PTDC/COM-OUT/0243/2021) is a project based at the Lusófona University and CICANT – Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture and New Technologies and focused on young people’s interaction with the news in the context of digital citizenship. The project is coordinated by Maria José Brites (CICANT, Lusófona University) and Teresa Sofia Castro (CICANT, Lusófona University).
Consult the Challenge and the database, publicise them and become part of the YouNDigital community.
For more details, please contact: