Getting the most out of teaching in hybrid settings

Part of series: Online Workshops & Seminars

Whatever happens in the coming months, it’s clear that teaching in hybrid settings is going to be with us for quite some time to come. Academic staff are teaching students in the classroom, while other students join the session online. It is a challenge in many higher education institutions to meet the learning needs of students in these synchronous settings. This calls for a combination of both pedagogical and technical skills and competences. Certain types of learning activities are better suited to this format. The responsibility for managing this learning effectively lies with the person giving the lesson in combination with the technical support service. During this 90-minute webinar we will be sharing the experiences of several practitioners who are teaching successfully in hybrid settings. Join the discussion as we share tips and good practices and talk about principles that can make it work.


Session will be moderated by Zac Woolfitt, Inholland University, the Netherlands.

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