MEDEA Awards ’24 Ceremony, Leuven, Belgium – 20 June 2024

Part of series: MEDEA Awards

The Media & Learning Association’s annual competition to reward best use of media to support education at all levels is now open for entries!

This year again, the MEDEA Awards 2024 finalists will be invited to take part in the Media & Learning Conference – Back to the Future? organised by the Media & Learning Association and KU Leuven on 20-21 June 2024 in Leuven, Belgium. All finalists’ entries will be featured on the conference agenda, MLA newsletter and the winners (MEDEA Award; Special Jury Prize and Audience Favourite Prize) will be announced during the 16th Awards Ceremony, taking place in Leuven City Town Hall on Thursday 20 June 2024 at 18:00.

More information about the MEDEA Awards.
For more information about Media & Learning annual conference.