Our Spring 24′ Wednesday Webinar series was dedicated to Teacher Education in Digital Media Literacy and organised as part of the TeaMLit project (providing guidance, resources and support for teacher trainers in Europe) and followed up the sessions which took place in Autumn ’23. These events focused on the experiences of media literacy practionners and experts and provided opportunities to share best practices, knowledge and quality resources.
In this sixth and final episode of our Teacher Education series, we explored the TeaMLit online course: ”Make Education more Media Literate”. This course offers essential media literacy skills for educators of all backgrounds, enabling them to effectively integrate media literacy into their classrooms. We explored the three main focuses of online course and picked out some snippets from the modules such as ‘why media literacy matters’ and ‘effective implementation strategies.’
Moderator: Sally Reynolds , Media & Learning Association, Belgium
TeaMLit Online Training Modules: ”Make Education more Media Literate”
Presentation from Bert Pieters & Jeroen Herman, Mediawijs, Belgium can be found Here
TeaMLit’s Online Course
Are you wondering how you can teach media literacy? Or how you can support your colleagues? Then we have the solution for you!🙌
Within the TeaMLit project, we developed a free online interactive training (in English) to help you with this. The training is designed for both novice and more experienced teachers. 5 Modules in total (30-45mins each) which will guide you through the landscape of media literacy and implement it in your classroom and school. You can earn two different certificates by enrolling in the TeaMLit online course. 💯
Designed for:
- Standalone use (in Teachable platform)
- Use in larger programmes
- With available texts and subtitling for local translation
- Should be usable for pre-service and in-service teachers
- Focus on didactics and pedagogical methodologies, not on MIL knowledge
- Focus on needs of the field (pupils, colleagues, school)
- Differentiate between micro, meso, macro level in the different modules
3 main themes:
- Making my own teaching about MIL
- Getting my colleagues on board MIL
- Implementing media literacy school wide
Links shared in the chat:
- TeaMLit Project: https://media-and-learning.eu/project/teamlit/
- Online Course: https://academy.media-and-learning.eu/p/teamlit
- Mediawijs Playlist on Teacher Education in Media Literacy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwmitKpg34k&list=PL34y9m83ON1YlJ0SFQsKHpDB4ghSzXegU&ab_channel=Mediawijs
- MLA Playlist of Teacher Education Series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQQrr3KvaXg&list=PLg93dalmTOyxhy8pNEAMcuNjwnZwumIek&ab_channel=Media%26LearningAssociatio
- NewsWise: https://theguardianfoundation.org/programmes/newswise/schools/unit-of-work
- MLCE MOOC: https://www.europeanschoolnetacademy.eu/courses/course-v1:MLCE+MediaLiteracy+2024/about

The sole responsibility for any content supported by the European Media and Information Fund lies with the author(s) and it may not necessarily reflect the positions of the EMIF and the Fund Partners, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the European University Institute.