Wednesday Webinar on Teacher Education in Digital Media Literacy (Part 6)

Our Spring 24′ Wednesday Webinar series is dedicated to Teacher Education in Digital Media Literacy and organised as part of the TeaMLit project (providing guidance, resources and support for teacher trainers in Europe) and follow up the sessions which took place in Autumn ’23. These events will focus on the experiences of media literacy practionners and experts and provide opportunities to share best practices, knowledge and quality resources.

Join us for the sixth and final episode of our Teacher Education series as we explore the TeaMLit online course: ”Make Education more Media Literate”. This course offers essential media literacy skills for educators of all backgrounds, enabling them to effectively integrate media literacy into their classrooms. During the webinar, we will explore the three main focuses of online course and pick out some snippets from the modules such as ‘why media literacy matters’ and ‘effective implementation strategies.’ Don’t miss this chance to discover how TeaMLit can support teachers in fostering media literacy among students!

Moderator: Sally Reynolds , Media & Learning Association, Belgium

The sole responsibility for any content supported by the European Media and Information Fund lies with the author(s) and it may not necessarily reflect the positions of the EMIF and the Fund Partners, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the European University Institute.