by Vivian van Laarhoven & Lieve Van Cutsem, UCLL, Belgium.It’s not always necessary to use complex VR setups and applications to create a meaningful impact in education. In this article, Vivian van Laarhoven, an...
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Seniors United Against Misinformation: A European Initiative for Media Literacy
by Irene Tortajada, Verificat, Spain; Tero Luksua, University of Lapland, Finland; Chiara Cremonini, Housatonic, Italy. In 2021, more than one fifth (20.8 %) of the EU population was aged 65 and over. Data shows that...
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by Vanessa Penelope, Managing Director, France Immersive Learning.In recent years, education and vocational training have witnessed a transformative wave driven by digital advancements, as seen in the proliferation of...