The European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) is excited to share the Guidelines for Effective Media Literacy Initiatives, a comprehensive set of 12 principles designed to empower practitioners in developing impactful media literacy programs. These guidelines, crafted with input from EDMO Hubs, experts, and stakeholders, aim to strengthen public resilience against online disinformation and enhance critical media engagement across Europe.
About the Guidelines
Media literacy encompasses the technical, cognitive, social, and civic skills that enable individuals to access, understand, and engage with media critically (European Commission’s definition). Recognising the diversity of media literacy initiatives, these guidelines are tailored to suit various projects, including news literacy, digital literacy, and algorithmic literacy, among others.
Structured into three key sections—Development, Delivery, and Review—the guidelines outline 12 actionable principles such as inclusivity, transparency, adaptability, and evidence-based approaches. These principles ensure initiatives are effective, ethical, and sustainable while promoting critical understanding of the media ecosystem.
Why endorse and share good practices?
Endorsements and submissions are vital for building a robust, collaborative framework that benefits the wider community. By endorsing the guidelines, organisations are committed to fostering media literacy and combating misinformation. Sharing good practices and resources enriches the repository of knowledge, offering inspiration and guidance for future initiatives.
What practitioners are saying
- “In today’s borderless media landscape, shared guidelines for media literacy is very useful. At Tenk, we support these guidelines as they encourage critical thinking and promote quality education in media literacy, empowering individuals to engage with information responsibly.” – Tenk, Norway
- “These guidelines are an important step towards ensuring there are high standards of media literacy across Europe and that any organisation wishing to implement media literacy can do so effectively.’’ – Eileen Culloty, DCU Institute for Media, Democracy and Society, Ireland
Get Involved
Support the EDMO Guidelines for Effective Media Literacy Initiatives by endorsing them or sharing your good practices. Simply fill out the form to:
Endorse the Guidelines: Join a growing network of organisations and individuals committed to advancing media literacy and combating disinformation.
Share Your Practices: Propose relevant resources or examples of successful media literacy initiatives to enrich our collective efforts.