EdReNe, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15-16 May 2025

The 22nd EdReNe Strategic Meeting will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on May 15-16, 2025 and will continue to discuss the use of AI in education and the development of related projects. The Educational Repositories Network (EdReNe) is a knowledge sharing network of European repository owners and practitioners dedicated to the exchange of expertise and best practices in the learning resources domain. The network offers seminars and webinars to facilitate the exchange of expertise and best practices in the field of e-learning, interoperability of content repositories and Open Educational Practices. These events provide opportunities for digital learning communities in Europe to keep up to date with the latest developments in the field and learn about new and ongoing initiatives. This event is open to members of the Educational Repository Network (EdReNe). If yu would like to find out more including how to apply for membership, then check out this site.