by Svenja Bedenlier, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
Data is everywhere – we produce and use data throughout our daily lives, whenever we use our smartphone to navigate through the city, when we send and receive messages or when we sign up for a professional newsletter.
However, despite being so closely entangled with (digital) data, we sometimes – or maybe even often times? – stop to question data, are maybe unsure how to deal with data or stumble across settings that would require competent reaction as to how to make use of data, manage and store data as well as understanding data and their implications.
In order to support adult learners in their dealings with data and to foster their competence in this field, the European project “data literacy for citizenship” (DaLi) was conceived and has embarked on a journey to develop pedagogical strategies, games, policy recommendations and an overarching framework of data literacy – all with the idea in mind to empower individuals and adult education institutions in their quest for data literacy.
The project consortium – University of Bergen (Norway, project coordination), Coventry University (United Kingdom), University of Murcia and University of the Balearic Island (Spain) and Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) – has brought the project to life and now aims to share the results of three years’ developmental work with the European community.

Playing DaLi Life
How can you use DaLi’s project results?
Learn it
If you want to get started with data literacy, use the DaLi framework to explore the dimensions of understanding, engaging with and acting on data. The framework is available in English, Spanish, Norwegian and German and explains the different dimensions in an easy to follow manner.
Play it
If you like to play, then you are all set with Dali: From the project website’s Game Catalogue, you can download and print (or play online) 17 different games, each revolved around understanding, acting or engaging through data and that you can play with family, friend or in the workplace. Learn while playing – is there an easier way?
Teach it
If you are an instructor in adult education, higher education…., then the DALI facilitator guide is yours to check out. In English, Spanish, Norwegian or German, the instructions provided in the guide will help to also play the games in a teaching and learning contexts.
Pass it on
If you want to initiate discussion on the policy dimension for individuals, institutions and society, DaLi has generated first ideas and recommendations that you can peruse and integrate in your own perceptions of what needs to be done to further foster data literacy for citizenship.
Where can you find DaLi ad how can you connect with DaLi?
For more information, please visit the project website:
To receive project updates, follow DaLi on X: @DaLi_Citizens

Svenja Bedenlier is an assistant professor for e-learning in higher and adult education at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Number: 020-1-NO01-KA204-076492