An open call for Film Education proposals as been launched by the European Commission with a deadline of 7/3/2019. The call is a specific one which is to create a curated catalogue of European films and related pedagogical material to be made available to young people between 11 and 18 years old attending primary and secondary schools in the countries participating in the MEDIA Sub-programme. The catalogue shall include well-known movies that have contributed to the history of European filmography to be used in the context of Film Education activities. The catalogue shall include a minimum of 7 feature films. The rights of the films in the catalogue shall be acquired for a period of a minimum of 3 years and for all countries participating in the MEDIA sub-programme. The linguistic versions (dubbing or sub-titling) shall be available for all countries participating in the programme for the majority of the films in the catalogue. Support for Film Education 2019 – Call EACEA 33/2018
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