More attention to MIL needed in Iberoamerican region

The Iberoamerican platform of media regulatory authorities (PRAI) organised a workshop on 30 March jointly with the UNESCO office in Montevideo about the Media & Information Literacy (MIL) situation, perspectives and future challenges in the Iberoamerican region. The panel was composed by Dr. Guillermo Orozco (UNESCO Chair), Dr. José Manuel Corona (UNESCO chair), Dr. Marta Montagut (URV), Rosa M. González (UNESCO Montevideo), Alexandre Le Voci Sayad (UNESCO MIL ALLIANCE co-chair), Mariela Baladron (ENACOM_Argentina) and Miriam Larco (CONCORTV_Peru).

Dr. Orozco and Dr. Corona expressed the urgent need to “make MLI a conceptual tool and a body of knowledge that allows us to effectively address the serious problems we face as a society. We cannot allow the market and technological industries alone to dictate the way”. Dr. Montagut pointed out, among others, that MIL must be considered in the Iberian Peninsula as “a central subject in the school curricula, deployed consistently in the policies of each country within the framework of the EU. Journalism as a source of informational legitimacy must occupy a central place in the training of both teachers and students, as well as other groups vulnerable to the information disorder”.

Rosa M. González (UNESCO Montevideo) stated that in “the last three years MIL has managed to position itself as a necessary response and an absolute priority to prevent citizens from being victims of misinformation”. The co-president of the UNESCO MIL ALLIANCE assured that “MIL is a central part of an ecosystem of policies to combat disinformation in the world”. Finally, on behalf of the PRAI, the representatives of ENACOM and CONCORTV affirmed that “the PRAI is a very rich space for work and exchange of good practices, initiatives and relevant documentation in the field of MLI between the media regulatory bodies”. Take a look at a video recording of the workshop (in Spanish).