The EKOME & UNESCO Media & Information Literacy Alliance – EU Sub Chapter Mediterranean Group is calling for inputs to a publication on the theme of “Media & Information Literacy Post-Pandemic Era: Takeaways and Challenges on a Glocal Scale”. This Call is addressed to all members of the EU Sub Chapter Mediterranean Group and active and experienced media, digital and education experts, researchers and practitioners who wish to reflect on the new trends set by the pandemic as well as on future challenges and pathways of media, information and digital literacy in school and lifelong learning settings.
All articles should respond to one or more of the following questions:
- How did your research body / organisation / entity respond to the pandemic emergency in terms of practicing, engaging with MIL and digital skills?
- What were the emerging trends and patterns on MIL and digital skills?
- How do you assess actions taken during the pandemic on MIL and/or media education and/or digital skills?
- What are your reflections for the future transformation of the MIL field globally?
All articles should be up to 2000 words and submitted in English to email:
➡️Deadline for Abstract Submission: 31 December 2022.
➡️Deadline for submissions: March 30th, 2023.
For more information visite EKOME website and UNESCO MIL Alliance website.
Contact Info: Tel: (+30) 214 4022521 -2 || Email: