Global Media and Information Literacy Week 24-31 October 2020

The theme of the 2020 Annual Global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week is “Resisting Disinfodemic: Media and Information Literacy for everyone and, by everyone“. It is a major occasion to review and celebrate the progress achieved towards “MIL for All”.

The theme for Global MIL Week 2020 highlights how we can look to addressing disinformation and divides by recognising our shared interest in improving everyone’s competencies to engage with the opportunities and risks in today’s landscape of communication, technology, and information.

UNESCO and GAPMIL are calling partners all over the world to promote Global MIL Week. Together with its Feature Events (International MIL and Intercultural Dialogue Conference and Youth Agenda Forum), Global MIL Week calls for local events around the world to promote MIL connections across disciplines and professions.

Please click here for more information about the Global Media and Information Literacy Week.