The 2BDigital Competence Framework

2BDigital aims to develop teachers’ pedagogical digital competences, to efficiently teach and train online and to protect all young people’s educational opportunities, especially of those most at risk, during and following the pandemic. The project team working on 2BDigital recently published the 2BDigital Competence Framework for learning, working and living in a digital world that has been designed to upskill VET learners, at risk of disengagement and drop out and early leaving, who need to develop the competences required to learn and work in an increasingly digital world. The Project Team has analysed and synthesised a number of existing competence frameworks, including LifeComp, DigComp and EntreComp (as well as four additional EC and international frameworks), to bring together and harmonise the essential competences required by learners to succeed in their learning in online environments and effectively prepare for life and work in the digital society. Learn more about the framework here.