EdReNe seminar on AI in Education held in Brussels

The EdReNe Closed Seminar, held on May 30-31, 2024, brought together key stakeholders in education and technology for a focused two-day event on artificial intelligence in education. Organised by KlasCement and European Schoolnet and attended by the Media & Learning Association, the seminar featured a mix of presentations and group discussions. The event began with Belgium’s Kenniscentrum/Knowledge Center presenting their “Vision on Responsible AI in Education,” followed by a World Café session exploring their draft basic requirements in AI in Flemish Education.

The seminar showcased international initiatives, including Turkey’s AI in education strategies presented by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkiye (TUBITAK), Norway’s AI applications in upper secondary education by The Norwegian Digital Learning Arena (NDLA), and Ireland’s Erasmus+ funded AI4T project, which introduced a textbook and an online MOOC for training teachers. The second day featured discussions on Germany’s AI programs for teachers by FWU Institut für Film und Bild, and Belgium’s new MaaKC project from KlasCement, which focuses on creating interactive lesson materials directly on the KlasCement platform, as well as Norway’s platform for H5P content administration.

The event concluded by highlighting the importance of international knowledge exchange and collaboration, and the future of AI in educational platform solutions.

Special thanks to KlasCement for their excellent organisation and hospitality. For more information, visit: http://www.edrene.org/