
The European EDUmake project is based on an innovative interactive EDUbox educational format. EDUmake partners in Belgium, Croatia and The Netherlands are creating localised versions of existing EDUbox materials aimed at 12-18 year olds as developed by VRT based on high-quality audiovisual content and interactive engagement strategies. EDUbox materials are focused on important societal challenges such as inclusion, polarisation, tackling disinformation, culture and social media. They will be tested out in classrooms in partner countries and the feedback gathered will be used to further refine and advance the EDUbox approach.

EDUmake partners have created a dedicated EDUbox Politics: From vote to policy for use in the classroom in preparation of the European elections taking place in 2024.

EDUboxes currently available in English: Politics:From vote to policy and Artificial Intelligence

EDUmake is a two year project led by VRT in Belgium that began in October 2022 funded under the European Commission’s Creative Europe Programme.

Part of the project remit is to create an easy-to-use format for translating and contextualising EDUbox packages across the EU and potentially beyond. This includes a set of tools, strategies and materials that teachers and others can use in the future to create their own EDUboxes on topics that they consider important.

EDUmake consortium:

EDUbox in a nutshell

EDUbox is an educational concept developed by VRT to introduce secondary school students to a specific social topic. EDUbox aims to inform young people and stimulate them to get involved themselves. The topics centre around (world) citizenship, critical thinking, science and technology, …

EDUbox is a free learning tool for teachers to work towards specific educational attainment levels and several key competencies. It is a ready-made package based on the theory of deep learning, which combines technology, didactics and storytelling to create a fun and educational learning experience.

Learn more about what an EDUbox is⤵️

Localised EDUboxes as part of the project

The Netherlands ⤵️


More information about the EDUboxes adapted to the Croatian context can be found here.

As the 2024 European Parliament elections approach, the EDUmake consortium introduces EDUbox Politics, a new and engaging learning resource aimed at empowering young voters. Designed to equip the youth with a practical understanding of politics, the EDUbox incorporates relatable scenarios and interactive elements to engage participants. It offers a user-friendly interface and high-quality content, currently available in English and Dutch (tailored for the Belgian context), with plans to release Dutch (for the audience in the Netherlands) and Croatian versions in early 2024. The resource aims to enhance political literacy and encourage active participation in discussions surrounding the upcoming elections. Explore EDUbox and join us in shaping the future of democracy!

EDUboxes available in English:

EDUbox Politics localised for different countries:

Read the full article ‘Empowering young voters: teaching material targeting EP elections ’24“‘to learn more.

This Project has received funding from the European Union under grant agreement: CREA-CROSS-2021- INNOVLAB-Project 101059958

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.