A full week of Media Literacy events with MLA and associated organisations!

The Media & Learnign Association is organising in collaboration with several partners organisations a full week of Media Literacy events! This initiative is part of UNESCO’s Global Media and Information Literacy Week, dedicated to enhancing global media literacy.

The Global Media and Information Literacy Week will be celebrated worldwide from 24-31 October 2024, culminating in a global conference hosted by UNESCO and the Hashemite Kingdom in Amman, Jordan on 30-31 October. This year’s theme is “The New Digital Frontiers of Information: Media and Information Literacy for Public Interest Information”. It will address the transformative impact of emerging technologies such as Generative Artificial Intelligence and the new generation of digital content creators on the production and dissemination of public-interest information, highlighting both opportunities and risks. 

Throughout the week, we will host a series of online sessions and workshops in partnership with organisations such as Deutsche Welle Akademie, European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) and MediaWise – Poynter Institute.

  • Monday 21 October:
  • Tuesday 22 October: MediaWise – Poynter Institute on (topic TBA)
  • Wednesday 23 October:
  • Thursday 24 October:
  • Friday 25 October: EDMO Training on (topic TBA)

Stay tuned for further details about the event schedule and specific topics, which will be announced soon. Registration for these events will open in August, so be sure to follow us for updates to secure your spot!