The winner of the MEDEA Awards 2020 was Language of Lying submitted by Hamlett Films for Open University, UK represented by Sian Hamlett and Philip Seargeant.
The winner of the vote for the audience favourite was 2’ Minutos para mudar de vida/2 Life-changing minutes submitted by Ipatimup, University of Porto, Portugal. Due to the pandemic, the awards ceremony for 2020 took place entirely online.
Language of Lying was commissioned for The Open University’s open-education programme and was created in order to introduce students to key ideas in communications studies around what constitutes lying in public life, and to give them a better understanding of the issues surrounding this important topic, especially as they relate to politics. Read more about the Winner of the 2020 Medea Awards. According to the judges this is an “excellent learning resource, with well-described learning objectives, excellent production quality, even though the budget and production time were very tight, an example on how attractive and effective well-designed and well-researched video can be.”

The winner of the vote for the audience favourite was 2’ Minutos para mudar de vida/2 Life-changing minutes submitted by Ipatimup, University of Porto, Portugal and represented by Nuno Teixeira Marcos.
This award was decided by public vote in which a total of 2868 unique votes were cast between 1 and 28 October 2020. This entry is said to be the first TV fiction series on health literacy in Portugal, and possibly, the world and is a work of interface between science, education and creative media – read more about this entry here.

Five other outstanding entries make up the list of 2020 finalists, they are (in alphabetical order):
- FÍS Film Project submitted by Institute of Art, Design & Technology together with Professional Development Services for Teachers, Ireland Read more…
- Module intros for Kunnskapsbasert habilitering submitted by Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Read more…
- MOOC about Federico García Lorca submitted by CEPRUD, University of Granada, Spain Read more…
- New Dimensions submitted by University College Dublin, Ireland Read more…
- Pest Control Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture submitted by iLUB, University of Bern, Switzerland Read more…