The network of 14 European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) Hubs constitutes a community active in all 27 member states aimed at countering disinformation and analysing its impact on society and democracy both at national and European level. Each of these hubs is actively involved in promoting digital and media literacy as part of their mission and has dedicated teams working on the topic. (Presentation)
During this session, we plan to introduce the digital and media literacy work carried out by several of these hubs and to use the opportunity to identify working areas of common interest and to share this interest with the wider digital and media literacy community.
The focus will be one the following hubs:
- ADMO – ADRIA DIGITAL MEDIA OBSERVATORY (covering Croatia & Slovenia) (Presentation)
- MedDMO – MEDITERRANEAN DIGITAL MEDIA OBSERVATORY (covering Greece, Cyprus & Malta) (Presentation)
Speakers will include: Dražen Hoffmann, Gong, Croatia; Milena Dobreva, Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria; Nicoleta Corbu, Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative (SNSPA), Romania; and Costas Constandinides, University of Cyprus, Cyprus.
This session is organised by the Media & Learning Association as part of MLA’s work in EDMOII. Task 5.