This webinar was part of a series of monthly webinars organised by the Media & Learning Association (MLA) and Nordicom which aims to support the growing number of organisations and individuals keen to help young people become more media literate.
- Introduction to Media Literacy in the Flemish region of Belgium. This part of the webinar provided an overview of the status of Media Literacy in Flanders, described the relevant policy framework and the extent to which media literacy is supported and promoted in an educational context.
Speaker: Andy Demeulenaere, heads the team of IMEC-SMIT-VUB’s Mediawijs, the Flemish Knowledge Centre on Digital and Media Literacy. You can view Andy’s presentation here.
- Media Literacy practices and experiences in the Flemish region of Belgium. During this part of the webinar, we introduced several media literacy projects and initiatives taking place in the Flemish region of Belgium. These are:
- Databuzz described by Nanouk Verhulst, imec SMIT VUB – senior researcher and coordinator of the DataBuzz
- EDUbox described by Tim Van Lier, VRT
- News and updates on media literacy across Europe. In this section of the webinar we provided a round-up of news and information about media literacy activities in different countries including new developments, initiatives and research findings
Speaker: Martina Chapman, National Coordinator, Media Literacy Ireland & Member of Council of Europe Expert Committee (MSI-JOQ)
Moderators and hosts: Maarit Jaakkola, Nordicom and Sally Reynolds, Media & Learning Association
Spotlight on projects and media literacy initiatives in Belgium (Flanders)
Here is a selection of relevant media literacy links in Belgium (Flanders)
- Mediawijs – the Flemish Knowledge Centre for Digital and Media Literacy
- StampMedia – very active youth media agency operating in Dutch-speaking Belgium
- Databuzz – a unique hyper-tech mobile laboratory that brings all kinds of new educational technologies to schools to increase the data literacy of students and teachers
- EDUbox – provides classroom resources on topics like democracy and fake news, includes exercises and assignments as well as an extensive digital section with audiovisual material
Links to news and updates on media literacy across Europe
- Media Literacy Mondays – Media Literacy Irelahosted a series of five ‘Media Literacy Monday’ webinars in November.
- Media Literacy Ireland Membership – learn how to become a member of MLI
- Be Media Smart campaign