StrategyHack webinar: digital transformation strategies

Part of series: Workshops & Seminars

The StrategyHack project intends to strengthen the capacities of mid-level institutional leaders in higher education to promote more sustainable models of digital education, focusing on accelerating the digital transformation within higher education whilst promoting and nourishing high quality personalised digital environments.

StrategyHack is an initiative built on the experience gained in the EduHack project and is supported by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union.  This project is run by Politecnico di Torino – POLITO , Universidad Internacional de La Rioja – UNIR , Coventry University, Knowledge Innovation Centre – KIC,  Association Europeenne D’institutions Del’enseignement Superieur – EURASHE and the Media and Learning Association.

This online seminar comes towards the end of the project work and aim to help mid-level institutional leaders consolidate gains in digital transformation achieved during the COVID crisis, and move towards sustainable long-term models of digital education provision.

This event is aimed at all university staff (Researchers, Professors and Administrative staff) who hold positions in the management of teaching, training and organisational activities within the university.
