Digital storytelling: an instructional design layer

This concise and comprehensive infographic (in Dutch) is aimed at teachers and course designers, and it lists the multiple elements they can use for storytelling in a course. Narrative elements in learning activities strengthen the instructional design and provide structure, motivation and provide insight into authentic situations related to the subject. These elements are teasers, cliffhangers, fil rouge, empathy, emotion and personalisation. This infographic can help you in one quick view to get some inspiration if you want to adopt storytelling in your learning and teaching activities.

Learning activity
TypeGuidelines and recommendations
Original titleDigital storytelling, een instructional design laag
Original description

Een infographic met meerdere elementen die je kunt gebruiken voor storytelling in een cursus. Deze verhalende elementen in de leeractiviteiten versterken het instructional design en zorgen voor enerzijds structuur, motivatie en bieden inzicht in authentieke situaties met betrekking tot het onderwerp.

InstitutionKU Leuven

This resource has been collected as part of the TransACTION! project.