Making a Mooc: mastering MOOC Creation

Dive into the intricacies of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) with this course. Gain in-depth insights into the design methods, strategies, and considerations essential for creating and managing effective MOOCs. Uncover the key elements that contribute to successful MOOC development and refine your skills in crafting engaging and impactful online educational experiences.

This course aims to provide comprehensive insights into creating and managing MOOCs, covering design methods and key considerations. It requires no prior knowledge and is self-paced, with an estimated effort of 2 to 3 hours. The course content may be selectively useful depending on your experience and current stage in MOOC development. Learning outcomes include understanding the edX platform, the role of the KU Leuven MOOC team, and the necessary factors and guidelines for MOOC design and development. The course features 11 quizzes, requiring a 65% score to pass, and consists of three sections: an introduction to MOOCs at KU Leuven, a four-phase MOOC development process, and practical guidelines. Upon completion, participants gain respect from the KU Leuven MOOC team 🙂 .

(Free) Registration on EDx is required.

Total duration: 2 to 3 hours

Learning activityAcquisition
LicenceAll Rights Reserved
InstitutionKU Leuven

This resource has been collected as part of the TransACTION! project.