Digital storytelling: tips and recommendations on how to plan and create a digital story.

In this video by Ana Mercedes Sevilla Pavon, digital storytelling is presented as a transformative educational tool that combines narrative with digital media to create engaging short movies. It outlines different types of digital stories, emphasizing the vast potential for creative expression. The process involves careful topic consideration, audience perspective, and the integration of various media elements, enhancing learning across multiple subjects. Key steps for crafting digital stories include scriptwriting, media assembly, and editing, aiming for a concise, emotionally compelling narrative.
This modern approach to storytelling not only promotes technological and media literacy but also encourages critical and creative thinking. Digital storytelling revitalizes the traditional oral knowledge transfer method, aligning with contemporary student expression models and fostering communication skills. It represents an effective pedagogical technique, offering students a platform to share their unique stories and insights online.
The video illuminates how digital storytelling merges creativity with technology, offering a captivating educational tool that enhances learning, fosters critical thinking, and enables students to share their unique narratives online.

English spoken, subtitles available in Spanish and Catalan.

Duration: 9 min 20 sec

Learning activity
FormatVideo (non-interactive)
LicenceCC BY-NC-ND
InstitutionUniversitat Politècnica de València