Do you have tips, guidelines or resources that you find useful in your educational media production work? Or have you seen good examples of tutorials or best practices that can be used to guide educators, learning professionals, AV producers, and instructional designers in crafting engaging learning materials? Well – here is your opportunity to share them with others through the Media & Learning Resources Hub made possible through the TransACTION! project. Access the hub and submit your resources.
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Making learning more efficient with 360° Video
by Jeanne Aimerie, UbiCast, France. In the dynamic world of higher education, finding new ways to enhance learning experiences, foster engagement, and meet the evolving needs of learners and educators with new...
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Support and Contribute to EDMO’s Media Literacy Guidelines
The European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) is excited to share the Guidelines for Effective Media Literacy Initiatives, a comprehensive set of 12 principles designed to empower practitioners in developing impactful...
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Welcome to our new members from Finland, Ireland and United Kingdom!
This month the Media & Learning Association is pleased to welcome a new organisational member: Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland and two new networking members: Media Literacy Ireland and Learning on...
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