Welcome to our newest members ATEE and Saxion!

This month the Media & Learning Association is pleased to welcome two new members: ATEE – Association for Teacher Education in Europe and Saxion University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands.

The Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) is a non-profit European organisation, whose aim is enhancing the quality of Teacher Education in Europe and supporting the professional development of teachers and teacher educators at all levels. The ATEE aims to enhance the quality of Teacher Education in Europe through active dialogue and international exchange of research and practice in initial and in-service teacher education. Its 300 individual members and 45 institutional members span nearly 50 countries around the world. They work both within and outside higher education. The Association brings its members together in 15 different Research and Development Communities, and at its three annual conferences organised by members. For more information, visit: https://atee.education/

Saxion University of Applied Sciences is one of the largest institutions of higher education in the Netherlands, with close to 27,000 students. Saxion provides solutions to social issues through education and applied research. The international student population tops 3,500 students with more than 89 different nationalities. Saxion is an official member of the E³UDRES² European University Alliance. Composed of nine universities, E³UDRES² is a European network that decided to closely work together and collaborate in the fields of research, teaching, innovation, entrepreneurship and much more. Within Saxion, the Saxion Audio and Video Unit has been established in 2019. The growing unit comprises as of this moment a team of four educational experts, four content producers, and a team leader, working in collaboration with external content creators, media companies and also collaborating closely with the Creative Business bachelor’s programme. Its focus lies on producing professional, high-quality audiovisual productions. The unit has significant expertise in assisting educators with audiovisual creation for instructional purposes and guidance on storytelling, script outline, technical producing and publishing. In 2019, the unit initiated the educational podcast, accumulating valuable experience in assisting teachers with podcast creation for their instructional purposes. For more information, visit: https://video.saxion.nl/

Warm Welcome to our New Members!