BIK (Better Internet for Kids) are launching a new media literacy campaign on 24 October to coincide with UNESCO’s Global Media and Information Literacy Week. The MediaSmartOnline campaign involving Safer Internet Centres (SICs) will run until the Safer Internet Forum in November (this year scheduled for 21 November 2024). This is the first of an annual series run in collaboration with the Insafe network, which targets children, young people, parents, and educators. Its goal is to promote and enhance existing media literacy initiatives, build synergies among various stakeholders, and raise awareness about safe online practices. The campaign will provide accessible, practical information, helping stakeholders develop media literacy skills and support the broader BIK+ (Better Internet for Kids) agenda. By empowering audiences with knowledge and tools, it aims to create a safer and more informed digital environment, while complementing existing media literacy actions across Europe.
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