EC Guidelines for teachers on tackling disinformation available in all EU languages

The Guidelines for teachers and educators on tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy are now available in all official EU languages through the EU’s Publications Office. In addition to the Guidelines, a video with subtitles in all EU languages is now online as well as a factsheet and infographic  in EN.

These guidelines provide practical support for teachers and educators and include definitions of technical concepts, class-exercises and how to encourage healthy online habits. The toolkit covers three main topics: building digital literacy, tackling disinformation, and assessing and evaluating digital literacy. The Guidelines were developed with the support of the Commission expert group on tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy through education and training.

The European Commision counts on everyone’s support in disseminating and spreading the word widely through your organisations and networks, to ensure that as many teachers and educators can make use of these Guidelines in 2023!