Internet Matters’ Report on Young people’s wellbeing in a digital world

The organisation Internet Matters has released a report ‘Intentional Use: How agency supports young people’s wellbeing in a digital world‘ highlighting the too often overlooked benefits of young people being online as well as the crucial need from parents or carers to support young people’s access and engagement to the digital world; from government and regulators to introduce online safety and regulations and from industry to support user agency through service design.

This report examines how the mindful use of digital technology can benefit everybody’s wellbeing. Using the example of managing screen time, it shows the value of not just counting time spent online but also reflecting on what we are doing with that time and how that makes us feel. It draws on research supported by TikTok, which explores the views of teens and parents from the UK and Europe on having agency and its role in managing screen time.

The report can be found in multiple languages, you can read the full report in English here.