Vimeo Record

Record on Vimeo

Vimeo is no longer the video repository exclusively for the serious, professional video maker who is more concerned about quality, privacy and control than the average YouTuber. Over the last years Vimeo has expanded its services dramatically. It provides quality streaming services (in collaboration with the Livestream software application, a competitor for OBS or vMix), it provides video templates for quick postcard type video messages, it provides hosting services, it even has its own stock images bank and it provides free lancers and creators with possibilities to look for jobs, share portfolio and even recruit talent in the video and media profession. Its latest addition is the screen recorder, an application that is getting increasingly popular also for online teaching and learning, ranging from for example simple video assignments or video mail messages to software demonstrations or complete lecture recordings. Vimeo Record is so simple that it is hard to explain. Go to Vimeo, look for the Screen Recorder under the Products tab, allow your camera and microphone to be recorded and your screen to be captured and off you go! After recording you can save your video in Vimeo and assign viewers to it in a secure way without having to set up user accounts. Once on Vimeo, you can share with a private link or embed it on particular websites or social channels. Furthermore, Vimeo offers viewer analytics, options for feedback from team members or learners, and other collaboration tools, chapterising and calls-to-action. Use of Vimeo Record is free for basic use.