Our Autumn 23′ Wednesday Webinar series is dedicated to Teacher Education in Digital Media Literacy and is organised as part of the TeaMLit project (providing guidance, resources and support for teacher trainers in Europe). These events focus on the experiences of media literacy practionners and experts and provide opportunities to share best practices, knowledge and quality resources.
In this second session, TeaMLit’s Network: Building a European Community to Support Teacher Trainers in Media Literacy. The project team introduced and presented TeaMLit’s Network, a new initiative to build a European community of media literacy teacher trainers. This webinar discussed the importance of community and collaboration in supporting media literacy education as well as the identification of gaps, challenges, and opportunities in teacher education in this area. Last, the session featured two best practices and scenarios that you can apply in your own teaching!
Moderator: Sally Reynolds , Media & Learning Association, Belgium
TeaMLit’s Network: Building a European Community to Support Teacher Trainers in Media Literacy
Igor Kanizaj, University of Zagreb/DKMK, Croatia
Presentation key points:
- TeaMLit’s Network Approach
- Network’ status
- Objectives
- Practices Scenarios
Full Presentation can be found here.
Examples of Best Practices
Bert Pieters, Mediawijs, Belgium; presenting ”Training in Images (A Short Online Course on Visual Literacy for Teachers)”
What is this training about?
The main goal of this practice is to provide an online training that focuses on enhancing visual literacy skills. The training consists of 5 videos, each addressing different aspects related to visual storytelling and manipulation.
Target audience: Teachers-to-be; Teachers already teaching in a classroom.
Target educational level: Primary education, Secondary education.
Materials are available: https://www.mediawijs.be/nl/vorming/training-beeld (In Dutch but use Google translate for the page, and training videos have subtitles)

Igor Kanizaj, University of Zagreb/DKMK, Croatia; presenting ”Main challenges in Self-respect and Respecting Others in Virtual Space”
What is this training about?
This training addresses the challenges of self-respect and respecting others in the virtual world. It covers topics such as protecting personal data, avoiding the unauthorized publication of peer’s photographs, commenting responsibly on online platforms, refraining from sexting, preventing exclusion from online groups, reporting e-violence, and adhering to netiquette.
Target audience: In-service teachers in primary school.
Target educational level: to use with pupils 11 to 15 years.
Materials are available: https://www.medijskapismenost.hr/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Postivanje-sebe-i-drugih-u-virtualnom-svijetu.pdf (In Croatian)
Practice Scenario Break up: https://media-and-learning.eu/files/2023/12/Croatian-practice-scenario.pdf

Would like to find out more about these practice scenarios? Access to other best practices? Have a look at our repository of inspiring practices, and we invite you to submit yours!
Questions asked in break out rooms:
- What do think is important to build such a Network, what can help/support Teacher trainers?
- Are these scenarios applicable in your own setting, adaptable to your country and practice reality?
- General one: What do you simply think of these practice scenarios, and about the TeaMLit Network?

The sole responsibility for any content supported by the European Media and Information Fund lies with the author(s) and it may not necessarily reflect the positions of the EMIF and the Fund Partners, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the European University Institute.