Events and Competitions
ECTEL 2022, 12-16 September, Toulouse, France
The 17th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning under the theme “Educating for a new future: Making sense of technology-enhanced learning adoption” will take place from 12-16 September in...
CEDMO 22-23 September, Prague
The Central European Digital Media Observatory (CEDMO) is organising an international conference on 22-23 September entitled ‘Europe Tackles Information Chaos”. This event is open to the general public and...
mLearn 2022, blended 10-12 October in Heerlen
The 21st World Conference on Mobile, Blended and Seamless Learning will take place on 10-12 October and will provode an opportunity to explore and discuss how personal mobile devices and their affordances currently do...
Europeana Hybrid Conference 28-30 Sept
Take part in Europeana 2022 to explore how we can collaboratively build a common data space for cultural heritage and the role digital cultural heritage plays in today’s and tomorrow’s world. Each day will begin with a...
Stereopsia Europe 17-19 October Brussels
Stereopsia EUROPE 2022 is a key event for anyone interested in the topic of XR in Europe – including the teaching and learning community. This event will include the General Assembly of XR4Europe alongside...
AETM Conference, 21-24 Nov, New South Wales, Australia
The first AETM (association for Audiovisual & Education Technology Management) conference in Australia after 2 years is taking place place in November hosted by the Charles Sturt University, Port Macquarie, New...