FAU Good practice – Practical tools in business informatics

This video (6min 57sec) is part of the FAU Good practice series in which lecturers present innovative course concepts and their implementation. Julius Kirschbaum (Chair of Information Systems) explains his course concept ‘Design Science Research (DSR)’. The course follows the Berlin Model to ensure the systematic acquisition and review of competence-oriented learning objectives and aims to teach students how to use DSR methodology to solve real-world problems. A video series on general science methods has been created. Students can interact through forums, chat functions, and links. Each semester, a practice partner provides corresponding questions and problems (“case challenges”) for the students. The students must solve these tasks.The course is intended to introduce academic researchers in their Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD programmes to the Design Science Research (DSR) approach. It covers the most important concepts and frameworks as well as helpful tools for carrying out DSR research projects. The aim of the course is to teach students how the DSR methodology can be used to solve real-world problems. The setting was moved to a digital space. A video series was created on the topic of “General Science Methods”. Interactions between students were made possible through forums or by means of chat functions and other links outside StudOn. A practice partner is involved in the project for each semester, who provides the students with corresponding questions and problems (“case challenges”). These must be solved by the students. The assessment consists of a practical part in the form of a business-orientated presentation and a scientific part. The course was developed on the basis of the Berlin Model in order to systematically ensure the acquisition and assessment of the competence-orientated learning objectives in the course. StudOn forums and chat functions in the platform are used by students primarily for initial communication and finding groups. The interactive video series was very well received by the students. Students appreciate the fact that the video series is available and can be accessed at any time.

German spoken, English subtitles available.

Duration: 6 min 57 sec

Learning activityAcquisition
TypeGuidelines and recommendations
FormatVideo (non-interactive)
Original titleFAU Digitale Lehre - Good Practice mit Julius Kirschbaum - Praxistools in der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Original description

Julius Kirschbaum vom Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik I (Innovation und Wertschöpfung) an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg erklärt sein Kurskonzept ,,Design Science Research (DSR)”. Der Kurs soll akademische Forscher in ihrem Bachelor-, Master- oder Doktorandenstudium in den Ansatz der Design Science Research (DSR) einführen. Er behandelt hierbei die wichtigsten Konzepte und Rahmenbedingungen sowie hilfreiche Werkzeuge zur Durchführung von DSR-Forschungsprojekten. Ziel des Kurses ist es, den Studierenden beizubringen, wie die DSR-Methodik genutzt werden kann, um in der Praxis reale Probleme zu lösen. Das Setting wurde in einen digitalen Raum verlagert. Es wurde eine Videoserie zum Thema “Allgemeinwissenschaftliche Methoden” kreiert. Interaktionen zwischen den Studierenden wurden durch Foren oder mittels Chatfunktionen und anderen Links außerhalb von StudOn ermöglicht. In das Projekt ist für jedes Semester ein Praxispartner eingebunden, der entsprechende Frage- bzw. Problemstellungen (“Case Challenges”) für die Studierenden zur Verfügung stellt. Diese müssen von den Studierenden gelöst werden. Der Leistungsnachweis besteht aus einem praktischen Teil in Form einer businessorientierten Präsentation und einem wissenschaftlichen Teil. Der Kurs wurde auf Basis des Berliner Modells entwickelt, um den Erwerb und die Überprüfung der kompetenzorientierten Lernziele im Kurs systematisch sicherzustellen.

LicenceCC BY
InstitutionInnovation in Learning Institute, FAU

This resource has been collected as part of the TransACTION! project.