by Mimi van Dun, Netwerk Mediawijsheid, The Netherlands.
The successful Dutch Media Literacy Week 2022 – Like and Cancel (November 4 to 11) is behind us. This year, the campaign to raise awareness for media literacy was geared towards promoting prosocial behaviour online. By standing up for another when witnessing offensive behaviour online, you’re making clear that it’s unacceptable. If we work together, we can change the social norms enabling this kind of hurtful behaviour.
The yearly Media Literacy Week, organised by the Dutch Media Literacy Network, draws attention to critical, instructive and – above all – positive media use. Primary schools and local libraries are the main focus. The serious game MediaMasters, played by hundreds of thousands of primary school students, is a campaign staple.
The Media Literacy Week attracts all kinds of participants for advice on prosocial online behaviour and the many activities to participate in throughout the Netherlands.
Some other highlights of this year’s Media Literacy Week include:
- Investigation – Antisocial online behaviour: The Netherlands is letting it happen en masse – Digital media users between the ages of 16 and 80 don’t stand up for each other when they see someone being excluded, humiliated or ignored on social media. This while 70% of people think that we should treat each other better online. These were the findings from a combined study commissioned by the Dutch Media Literacy network, executed by the National Science Agenda and Erasmus University Rotterdam for this year’s Media Literacy Week. Data for the study was collected through an online survey by research agency NoTies among Dutch social media users. As part of the combined study, another observational study was done on online social behaviour among high school students through the interactive theatre performance Block or Bless developed by Theaterhart.
- Activities by partners – Every year, many network partners contribute to the Media Literacy week by organising activities. This year there were over 200, ranging from lectures, workshops and seminars to radio programs, exhibitions and more.
- Record number of participants in MediaMasters – A new record of 182.500 primary school students participated in the serious game MediaMasters in 2022. With over 8100 classes playing, they competed for many media literate awards including the title ‘Most media literate class in the Netherlands’.
- In the media – The Media Literacy Week garnered a lot of praise in the media, from newspapers, TV and radio to online media. Over 3 million people gave their impression on social media this year, a record number for the Media Literacy Week.
- Challenge 2022 – Earlier in 2022, five projects received a financial contribution of up to 10.000 euros from the Dutch Media Literacy Network. During the Media Literacy Week, the people behind these projects were interviewed to share their experience and give advice to the network.
- Special Media Awards 2022 – With a festive online ceremony, the winners of the annual Special Media Awards were announced. This award ceremony, organised by Amerpoort, is meant for media creators with a mental disability.

Mimi van Dun, Programme Manager Communication, Netwerk Mediawijsheid, The Netherlands