by Kari Kivinen, European Observatory EUIPO
Every now and then we must assess the credibility of a scientific claim we encounter on social media. For example, is there scientific evidence of the benefits of using masks? Can we stop climate change? Is nuclear energy safe and is it a sustainable option? Modern science is so highly specialised that no one person can master all fields and all subjects. We are therefore dependent on experts and must evaluate whose expertise we can rely on.
An international team of experts examined how science education should respond to the challenges posed by the misuse of scientific information and evidence. The report[1] considers how to verify scientific claims made on social media and how to assess the competence of the person making the claim as an expert in the field
In recent months fact-checkers have verified more than 17,000 Covid-19 claims[2]. Some of these claims are based on what appear to be scientific studies and expert opinion. It is therefore important to reflect on how to take a healthy critical view of scientific claims and how to identify a true expert.
When confronted with an unknown online content, it is always useful to find answers
to these three simple key questions before spending time in exploring the content
more closely: Who’s behind the information? Source – what’s the evidence? What
do other sources say?
How to evaluate the expertise of experts?
When we choose a lawyer, plumber, dentist or architect, we look for evidence and references of the person’s previous professional skills and qualifications. But how do you assess the expertise and authority of a scientist – whether they are a well-known and respected expert in their field, and what evidence of their expertise is there?
The criteria for a scientist’s expertise are similar to those for other experts. It is important to find out[3]:
- What is their track record and, specifically, their publication record in the field?
- Do they have standing within their field? For example, are they a fellow of a recognised scientific body, or have they won an award for their scientific work?
- What qualifications do they have? Is it a doctorate in the field? Or do they have other relevant experience, beyond formal credentials?
- Where do they work? Is it for a recognised scientific body or research institution?
- Is there any evidence of potential bias or pecuniary interest?
Being a scientist requires years of education and often a PhD. Even a doctorate covers only a narrow field of knowledge. Expertise can also be acquired through scientific professional training or practical work experience.
Just being a practicing scientist, however, is not enough. The individual must be a practicing scientist in the relevant field. Being a Nobel prize winner in one field, does not make you an expert in other fields.
How to evaluate a scientific claim?
Scientific information must go through a number of processes to ensure that it is reliable. Openness, critical debate and peer review drive research forward. Science is self-correcting. Interpretations of research data are modified and refined as new knowledge emerges. Research builds on knowledge built up over decades, if not centuries.
Scientific knowledge is our best current understanding of things. It is not anyone’s opinion or personal experience, but the result of a systematic process. It can change as new research findings and understanding develops.
When faced with a science-based claim, it is worth finding out whether the person/organisation making the claim has a conflict of interest. Are there economic, religious or political interests at stake? If so, it may be a form of paid advertising and the results should be treated with suspicion. For example, the tobacco industry and fossil fuel companies have used experts on their payrolls to disseminate information that benefits them.
If there is no conflict of interest, the following questions should be asked:
- Does the individual/organisation have relevant expertise?
- What is the standing of the author within the scientific community?
- Do they have a record of integrity?
- Does the author have the appropriate credentials or other relevant experience?
- Is there a strong scientific consensus among experts? If not, what do the majority of scientists think?
- How certain of the claims is the scientific community?
- Has the finding been vetted by similar experts and to what degree?
It is also worth pausing to consider the potential benefits and risks involved. For example, during the corona period, we have had to make personal choices about following expert advice – for example, about taking COVID-19 vaccines, wearing masks, adhering to the length of quarantine periods and the reliability of home tests.
Where to find reliable information?
To obtain a reliable informed answer in the English-speaking world Wikipedia is often a good place to begin. The websites of major scientific institutions, such as National Academies of Science[4] , and of long-established news media are also reliable sources of information.
Fact-checkers in different countries have interesting fact-checking websites where you can learn how fact-checkers check the accuracy of various claims. EDMO’s fact-checking community[5] has an updated list of reliable European fact-checking organisations.
It is also worth checking out the report “Science Education in the Age of Misinformation[6]” for a more in-depth look at the topic.
Editor’s note: The author works for EUIPO and agency of the EU but the views expressed are purely personal and cannot be taken as being official statements of either the EU or the EUIPO.

Kari Kivinen, Education Outreach Expert, European Union Intellectual Property Office (Europeam Observatory EUIPO)
[1] Osborne, J., Pimentel, D., Alberts, B., Allchin, D., Barzilai, S., Bergstrom, C., Coffey, J., Donovan, B., Kivinen, K., Kozyreva. A., & Wineburg, S. (2022). Science Education in an Age of Misinformation. Stanford University, Stanford, CA
[2] CoronaVirusFacts Alliance, Poynter,
[3] Osborne, J., Pimentel, D., Alberts, B., Allchin, D., Barzilai, S., Bergstrom, C., Coffey, J., Donovan, B., Kivinen, K., Kozyreva. A., & Wineburg, S. (2022). Science Education in an Age of Misinformation. Stanford University, Stanford, CA
[4] National Academies
[5] EDMO Fact-checking community
[6] Osborne, J., Pimentel, D., Alberts, B., Allchin, D., Barzilai, S., Bergstrom, C., Coffey, J., Donovan, B., Kivinen, K., Kozyreva. A., & Wineburg, S. (2022). Science Education in an Age of Misinformation. Stanford University, Stanford, CA