Our Autumn 23′ Wednesday Webinar series is dedicated to Teacher Education in Digital Media Literacy and is organised as part of the TeaMLit project (providing guidance, resources and support for teacher trainers in Europe). These events focus on the experiences of media literacy practitioners and experts and provide opportunities to share best practices, knowledge and quality resources.
This first session focus on TeaMLit’s Premier Insights: The Media & Information Literacy Landscape. A deep dive into the inaugural report from the project TeaMLit – Teacher education in digital and media literacy: providing guidance, resources and support. We’ve embarked on an 18-month research journey from January 2023 to June 2024 and offer an intricate glance into the Media and Information Literacy (MIL) teacher’s education and training across five countries and regions: Ireland, Portugal, Belgium-Flanders, the German-speaking Community in Belgium, and the Baden-Württemberg Land in Germany, as well as characteristics from an international assessment.
Moderator: Sally Reynolds , Media & Learning Association, Belgium
TeaMLit’s Premier Insights: The Media & Information Literacy Landscape
Ricardo Castellini da Silva & Lucia Mesquita, FuJo – DCU, Ireland
Presentation key points:
- Introduction
- MIL Concept
- Methodology
- Worldview Mapping
- Ireland Mapping
- Portugal Mappin
Lina Pranaityte-Wergin, Heidelberg School of Education, Germany
Presentation key points:
- Germany Baden-Wurttemberg Mapping
- Belgium Flanders
- Belgium-Ostbelgien
- Conclusion
Full Presentation can be found here.
To read the full report on findings of initial investigations.
Primary Teacher Education Programme: Implementation of media and information literacy in the curricula
Lise de Boeck, Thomas Moore, University College Mechelen, Belgium
Main points:
- How it Started
- Expert-class MIL (status 2019-2023)
- New curriculum (2023 – …)
Presentation can be found here.
Questions asked in break out rooms:
- What good practice (examples) in MIL education for pre-service teachers from your context could you suggest?
- Lucia What are the main challenges & opportunities for teacher training in MIL?
- Who are the key stakeholders In-Service training?
- Who are the teachers in the need of training (primary, secondary, technology?)
- What are the main MIL topics that should be addressed in teacher training (schools)
Links shared in the chat:
Educamidia, Brazil
Open the Box, Italy
KlasCement, Belgium
EDUbox, VRT, Belgium

The sole responsibility for any content supported by the European Media and Information Fund lies with the author(s) and it may not necessarily reflect the positions of the EMIF and the Fund Partners, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the European University Institute.